Become a Founder 
An educator looking to revolutionize the way children learn by establishing a microschool.
Become a Funder 
An impact investor looking to offer financial support to promising microschools.
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The Big Problem
People are unique. Depending on the student, school is either too slow or too fast. Too rigid or too hippie-dippie. Every school is way too test-focused, and above all... is way too boring!
whether we like it or not.
(spoiler alert: they’re scary)

The traditional education model was created over 100 years ago to prepare a barely literate population for factory work.
It’s hardly changed since.
Today’s economy demands:
Innovators. Problem solvers. Creative thinkers. People who are passionate and engaged.
Not broken spirits, whipped into conformity rigid curriculum and standardized testing.
The Solution
Personalized learning, tailored to the student by a dedicated learning coach. A smarter model with a better outcome.